Despite a campaign from his fellow contestants to oust him from the tour and replace him with Kye Sones, and despite a similar one by viewers of the show themselves – Christopher Maloney has clung onto his place on the tour.
The controversial Liverpudlian singer kept apart from the rest of the X Factor cast as he arrived for rehearsals earlier today.
He left some of the acts angered before the final when he arrived still worse for wear from the night before then stomped off swearing when he learnt he’d only been given one line to sing in the ensemble piece. He then chose not to feature in the live show.
The tour itself is set to kick off later this month at venues up and down the county and will feature James Arthur, Jahmene, Christopher, Union J, Rylan Clark, Ella Henderson and District3.
Images: FameFlynet
Via: Christopher Maloney reunites with the X Factor cast for tour rehearsals
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